Past Quotes - Page 21

I always live in the present. The future I can't know. The past I no longer have.
"The Book of Disquiet". Book by Fernando Pessoa, p. 118, 1982.
Daniel Kahneman (2011). “Thinking, Fast and Slow”, p.248, Macmillan
Samuel Johnson (2002). “A Johnson Sampler”, Non Pareil Books
The present is our future past, we've gotta make this moment last
Song: Right Now, Album: Eyes Wide Open, 2015
G. Stanley Hall (2013). “Adolescence - Its Psychology and Its Relations to Physiology, Anthropology, Sociology, Sex, Crime, and Religion (1931)”, p.179, Read Books Ltd
Edward Hallett Carr, Robert William Davies (1986). “What is history?: the George Macaulay Trevelyan lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge January-March 1961”
Chris Kyle, Scott McEwen, Jim DeFelice (2012). “American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History”, p.9, Harper Collins
A woman past forty should make up her mind to be young; not her face.
Billie Burke, Cameron Shipp (2016). “With Powder on My Nose”, p.64, Pickle Partners Publishing
Roger Scruton (2006). “A political philosophy”, Continuum Intl Pub Group
Peter Kropotkin (2016). “Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution”, p.342, Peter Kropotkin