Philanthropy Quotes - Page 2

Benjamin Franklin, William Penn (2012). “Franklin's Way to Wealth and Penn's Maxims”, p.44, Courier Corporation
Philanthropy [has become] simply the refuge of people who wish to annoy their fellow creatures.
Oscar Wilde (2007). “The Collected Works of Oscar Wilde”, p.598, Wordsworth Editions
Daniel H. Garrison, Horace (1998). “Horace: Epodes and Odes”, p.335, University of Oklahoma Press
No one has a right to consume happiness without producing it.
Helen Keller (2011). “To Live, to Think, to Hope: Inspirational Quotes by Helen Keller”, p.154, Matthew Gordon
W. S. Gilbert, Ian C. Bradley (2016). “The Complete Annotated Gilbert and Sullivan”, p.537, Oxford University Press
Robert L. Payton, Michael P. Moody (2008). “Understanding Philanthropy: Its Meaning and Mission”, p.102, Indiana University Press
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Richard A. Posner (1997). “The Essential Holmes: Selections from the Letters, Speeches, Judicial Opinions, and Other Writings of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.”, p.95, University of Chicago Press
C. S. Lewis (1984). “The Business of Heaven: Daily Readings from C. S. Lewis”, p.309, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Barbara Jordan, Elspeth D. Rostow, Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin (1986). “The Great Society: A Twenty Year Critique”, Univ Texas at Austin Lyndon B
I would rather have it said, 'He lived usefully,' than, 'He died rich.'
Benjamin Franklin, William Temple Franklin (1817). “Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin ...”, p.2
Benjamin Franklin (19??). “The life and letters of Benjamin Franklin”
By Jove the stranger and the poor are sent, and what to those we give, to Jove is lent.
Homer (2015). “The Odyssey”, p.249, Homer
My Mortal Enemy pt. 1, ch. 6 (1926)
Philanthropies and charities have a certain air of quackery.
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1983). “Essays and Lectures”, p.203, Library of America