In my view, the best gift is one that benefits both the receiver and the planet.
I don't write novels about expeditions to the planet Mars because I haven't been there and I don't know anything about it.
When we love the planet, we love ourselves, and when we love ourselves, we love the planet.
I love you. Really, I do. Now love yourself more and each other a lot more. And please take care of this precious planet.
Keep spreading the love, world. But don't get greedy and overpopulate the planet.
As far as we know, as a species, the only reason we were put on this planet is to help continue life.
It is unconceivable that the whole Universe was merely created for us who live in this third-rate planet of a third-rate moon.
On our crowded planet there are no longer any internal affairs!
This planet that God created for us to live in is just so breathtakingly beautiful.
Food is just the greatest joy on the planet.