
Politics Quotes - Page 20

By the end of my second term, we will have the first permanent base on the moon, and it will be American.

By the end of my second term, we will have the first permanent base on the moon, and it will be American.

"On Florida's Space Coast, Gingrich Aims For The Moon". January 26, 2012.

Whoever has an army has power and that war decides everything.

"Mao's Road to Power: The pre-Marxist period, 1912-1920".

Patriotism corrupts history.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1963). “Goethe's world view: presented in his reflections and maxims”

Of all sciences there is none where first appearances are more deceitful than in politics.

David Hume (1826). “The philosophical works of David Hume”, p.443

Laws cannot be imposed on him who is the master of the law.

Benvenuto Cellini (2014). “The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini”, p.279, Lulu Press, Inc

A sophistical rhetorician, inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity, and gifted with an egotistical imagination that can at all times command an interminable and inconsistent series of arguments to malign an opponent and to glorify himself.

Benjamin Disraeli, Edmund Gosse, Robert Arnot (1904). “The Works of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, Embracing Novels, Romances, Plays, Poems, Biography, Short Stories and Great Speeches: Coningsby, v. 2. Selected speeches”

Nancy, if I were your husband I'd drink it.

Attributed in Consuelo Vanderbilt Balsan, Glitter and Gold (1952).

The commonwealth of Athens is become a forest of beasts.

William Shakespeare, Samuel Weller Singer, William Watkiss Lloyd, John Thompson, Thomas Stothard (1856). “Titus Andronicus. Romeo and Juliet. Timon of Athens. Julius Caesar”, p.354

Revolutions never go backward.

At Rochester on the Irrepressible Conflict, October 1858

Government as well as religion has furnished its schisms, its persecutions and its devices for fattening idleness on the earnings of the people.

Thomas Jefferson, J. Jefferson Looney (2004). “The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: 1 October 1814 to 31 August 1815”, p.212, Princeton University Press

The results of political changes are hardly ever those which their friends hope or their foes fear.

Thomas Henry Huxley (2011). “Collected Essays”, p.425, Cambridge University Press