Politics Quotes - Page 30
Theodore Roosevelt (1904). “The Roosevelt Doctrine: Beng the Personal Utterances of the President on Various Matters of Vital Interest, Authoritatively Arranged for Reference in Their Logical Sequence; a Brief Summary of the Principles of American Citizenship and Government”
We can not play innocents abroad in a world that is not innocent.
Ronald Reagan (2004). “Speaking My Mind: Selected Speeches”, p.426, Simon and Schuster
Once genius is submerged by bureaucracy, a nation is doomed to mediocrity.
Remarks at a Promotion Ceremony for Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, December 3, 1973.
... the good are not willing to rule either for the sake of money or of honor.
Plato (1963). “The Collected Dialogues of Plato: Including The Letters”, Bollingen
"Complete Phil Ochs: Chords of Fame". Book edited by Tom Nolan and Mark Eliot, 1978.