
Prayer Quotes - Page 50

If you bury your face in your tear-stained pillow and beg God to please send you your soul mate, may you not slur your words in such a way that they sound like "cell mate."

Rob Brezsny (2005). “Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings”, p.258, Frog Books

Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul.

Mahatma Gandhi, Mohandas Gandhi, Ronald Duncan (2005). “Gandhi: Selected Writings”, p.240, Courier Corporation

Whatever a person may pray for, that person prays for a miracle. Every prayer comes down to this - Almighty God, grant that two times two not equal four.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, Elizabeth Cheresh Allen (1994). “The essential Turgenev”, Northwestern Univ Pr

A single grateful thought toward heaven is the most perfect prayer.

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Ernest Bell, Andrew Moore (2009). “Minna Von Barnhelm, Or, the Soldier's Fortune”, p.34, Mondial

A man who prays much in private will make short prayers in public.

Dwight L Moody (1898). “Men of the Bible: Abraham, Moses, Naaman, Nehemiah, Herod, John the Baptist, The Man Born Blind, Joseph of Arimathea, The Penitent Thief”, p.48, Moody Publishers