Principles Quotes - Page 10
"The Constitution of the United States: Contemporary Ratification" (speech),Washington, D.C., 12 Oct. 1985
Thomas Jefferson (1855). “The Writings of Thomas Jefferson”, p.199
Mary Wollstonecraft (2015). “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman”, p.90, Booklassic
Albert Camus (2008). “Notebooks, 1951-1959”, Ivan R Dee
Miyamoto Musashi, Yamamoto Tsunetomo, Inazo Nitobe (2010). “Honor: Samurai Philosophy of Life - The Essential Samurai Collection; The Book of Five Rings, Hagakure: The Way of the Samurai, Bushido: The Soul of Japan.”, p.45, Bottom of the Hill
"Logical Dilemmas: The Life and Work of Kurt Gödel". Book by John W. Dawson Jr., 1997.
Jonathan Edwards, Henry Rogers, Sereno Edwards Dwight (1839). “The Works of Jonathan Edwards”, p.265
Jerzy Kosinski, Tom Teicholz (1993). “Conversations with Jerzy Kosinski”, p.105, Univ. Press of Mississippi
George Washington, David Maydole Matteson, United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission (1798). “The writings of George Washington from the original manuscript sources, 1745-1799”
Calvin Coolidge (1924). “Calvin Coolidge, His Ideals of Citizenship as Revealed Through His Speeches and Writings”
The principles of true hip-hop have been forsaken, It's all contractual and about money makin'.
"Song: "What They Do" ("Illadelph Halflife")". 1996.
The principle of evil in Europe is the enervating spirit of Russian absolutism.
Lajos Kossuth, Francis William Newman (1854). “Select Speeches of Kossuth”, p.63
Kwame Nkrumah (1966). “Two myths”