Principles Quotes - Page 50
Millicent Fenwick (1948). “Vogue's book of etiquette: a complete guide to traditional forms and modern usage”
I have a simple principle for the conduct of life- never to resist an adequate temptation.
Max Lerner (1959). “The Unfinished Country”
"Critical Theory: Selected Essays" by Max Horkheimer, (p. 133), 1982.
"The Ten Books On Architecture". Book III. Chapter I, Sec. 1, 15BC.
Zedong Mao (1972). “Quotations from Chairman Mao Tsetung”, p.270, China Books
To have dragons one must have change; that is the first principle of dragon lore.
Loren Eiseley (2016). “The Night Country: A Library of America eBook Classic”, p.60, Library of America
"The order of Nature". Book by awrence Joseph Henderson, Ch. 5, 1917.
It is a solid business principle that people who enjoy what they do are better at what they do.
Larry Winget (2007). “It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your Success is Your Own Damn Fault”, p.51, Penguin
Kenneth Burke (1970). “The Rhetoric of Religion: Studies in Logology”, p.2, Univ of California Press
Karl Popper (2005). “The Logic of Scientific Discovery”, p.5, Routledge
"Letters from England". Book by Karel Capek, 1925.