
Principles Quotes - Page 50

I'm not interested in making a diagnostic novel or a concern. I'm 100 percent committed in fiction to the pleasure principle - that's what fiction is, and should be.

"New New Yorker Martin Amis Talks Terrorism, Pornography, Idyllic Brooklyn and American Decline". Interview with David Wallace-Wells, July 22, 2012.

To have dragons one must have change; that is the first principle of dragon lore.

Loren Eiseley (2016). “The Night Country: A Library of America eBook Classic”, p.60, Library of America

It is a solid business principle that people who enjoy what they do are better at what they do.

Larry Winget (2007). “It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your Success is Your Own Damn Fault”, p.51, Penguin