Procrastination Quotes - Page 10

William Andrus ALCOTT (1846). “The Young Woman's Guide to Excellence ... Tenth Stereotype Edition”, p.127
Walter Savage Landor (1868). “Indexes. Table of first lines. Imaginary conversations”, p.5
Tom Peters (1999). “The Project50 (Reinventing Work): Fifty Ways to Transform Every "Task" into a Project That Matters!”, p.89, Knopf
Festination may prove Precipitation; Deliberating delay may be wise cunctation.
Sir Thomas Browne (1845). “Religio Medici: Together with a Letter to a Friend on the Death of His Intimate Friend and Christian Morals”, p.278
Samuel Johnson (1840). “The Life and Writings of Samuel Johnson...”, p.101
Sir Roger L'Estrange (1714). “Fables of Æsop and other eminent mythologists: with morals and reflections”, p.400
If you do not act on a suggestion at first, you grow dull to its message.
Robert Henri (1960). “The art spirit”, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Publilius Syrus “Die Sprüche: Lateinisch - Deutsch”, Walter de Gruyter
Nothing is less productive than to make more efficient what should not be done at all.
Peter Drucker (2013). “Managing for the Future”, p.156, Routledge
"The Alchemist". Book by Paulo Coelho, 1988.
Og Mandino (1991). “Og Mandino”, Outlet
Maria Edgeworth, Richard Lovell Edgeworth (1823). “Works of Maria Edgeworth: Popular tales. 1823”, p.363
In the conduct of almost every affair slowness and procrastination are hateful
Marcus Tullius Cicero (1871). “The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero”, p.119
M. Scott Peck (2002). “The Road Less Traveled, 25th Anniversary Edition: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values, and Spiritual Growth”, p.19, Simon and Schuster