Reign Quotes - Page 2

Kelly Miller (1919). “Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights ...: Why America Entered the Conflict ...& a Thrilling Account of the Important Part Taken by the Negro in the Tragic Defeat of Germany ...”
Graham Hancock (2015). “The Divine Spark: Psychedelics, Consciousness and the Birth of Civilization”, p.8, Hay House, Inc
"The Singularity: Your Future as a Black Hole". Talk at Long Now Foundation, 2004.
John Kendrick Bangs (2015). “From Pillar to Post: Bangs Classic Collection”, p.17, 谷月社
Herbert Spencer (2016). “Illustrations of Universal Progress: Great Philosopher”, p.62, 北戴河出版
John R. Coyne, Spiro T. Agnew (1972). “The Impudent Snobs: Agnew Vs. the Intellectual Establishment”, New Rochelle, N.Y. : Arlington House
There is a place where God, through the power of the Holy Ghost, reigns supreme in our lives.
Smith Wigglesworth (2013). “Ever Increasing Faith”, p.9, Lulu Press, Inc
Mission is both the announcement and the demonstration of the reign of God through Christ.
Michael Frost (2015). “Surprise the World: The Five Habits of Highly Missional People”, p.21, NavPress
"On Some Problems of Our Party's Juche Idea and the Government of the Republic's Internal and External Policies". Mainichi Shimbun, September 17, 1972.
Ayn Rand (1988). “The Ayn Rand Lexicon: Objectivism from A to Z”, p.231, Penguin
My home policy: I wage war; my foreign policy: I wage war. All the time I wage war.
Speech to French Chamber of Deputies, 8 Mar. 1918