Responsibility Quotes - Page 114

The plea of ignorance will never take away our responsibilities.
John Ruskin (2015). “Lectures on Architecture and Painting”, p.66, John Ruskin
Accuse not nature: she hath done her part; Do thou but thine.
John Milton (1758). “Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained...”, p.263
John Maynard Keynes (1988). “Keynes and Public Policy After Fifty Years: Theories and method”, Edward Elgar Pub
Kennedy, John F. (1964). “Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: John F. Kennedy, 1963”, p.407, Best Books on
Vanderbilt University 90th Anniversary Convocation Address, delivered 18 May 1963, Vanderbilt University Stadium, Nashville Tennessee
"The Later Works, 1925-1953: 1938-1939".
John C. Maxwell (2010). “The Right to Lead: Learning Leadership Through Character and Courage”, p.113, Thomas Nelson Inc
John C. Maxwell (2011). “Put Your Dream to the Test: 10 Questions that Will Help You See It and Seize It”, p.20, Thomas Nelson Inc
Jodi Picoult (2006). “The Tenth Circle: A Novel”, p.157, Simon and Schuster
I really need people to take responsibility for the kind of energy they bring to me.
Jill Bolte Taylor (2008). “My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey”, p.127, Penguin