
Riches Quotes - Page 2

All the riches of the world are not of sufficient value to redeem one perishing soul.

Ellen G. White (2014). “Signs of the Times Articles - Book I of III”, p.1722, Lulu Press, Inc

The present moment holds infinite riches beyond your wildest dreams.

Louis Lallemant, Jean Pierre de Caussade, Claude De La Colombiere, Jean-Pierre Lafouge (2006). “For God's Greater Glory: Gems of Jesuit Spirituality”, p.81, World Wisdom, Inc

The world has plenty of room, riches, money and beauty ... Let us begin by dividing it more fairly.

Anne Frank (2010). “Tales from the Secret Annexe”, Peter Halban respect of riches, no citizen shall ever be wealthy enough to buy another, and none poor enough to be forced to sell himself.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, G. D. H. Cole (2003). “On the Social Contract”, p.34, Courier Corporation

We would also like you to know that the Church recognizes the riches of the Islamic faith - a faith that binds us to the one God.

Pope Paul VI, Catholic Church. Pope (1963-1978 : Paul VI) (1972). “Insegnamenti di Paolo VI.”

Where riches hold the dominion of the heart, God has lost His authority.

John Calvin (2013). “Commentary on Luke”, p.389, Ravenio Books

Real riches are the riches possessed inside.

B. C. Forbes (2005). “Keys to Success”, p.3,