You’re mine, Isabeau. You’ll always be mine. Make no mistake about it. Whether you choose to forgive me and give us a second chance, or you don’t, you’ll be my only.
Publishers love to compartmentalize, and Second Chance was not an easy novel to define.
I am a firm believer that upon release, ex-offenders should be afforded a second chance to become productive citizens by providing rehabilitation and education that will help them join the workforce.
Giving a 10-year mandatory minimum for a second offense fist fight is not going to reduce the chance that someone will be stabbed 16 times when you are not funding any of the programs that are desperately needed to actually reduce juvenile crime.
There is so little time on a set to build up a working relationship with a new member of crew. It is tough to be polite, especially in an extreme location where we will not get a second chance to get the scene. It is such a stressful process that I like to work with people I know and can trust.
Now, America is a land of second chances, and I gather you have room for the estimated 6 million of us who know we got it wrong in 2008 and who want to fix it.
I have always thought of Walt Disney as my second father.
I know what we can control, we can control our effort and we can control our approach. We do what we're supposed to do to get some second-chance points off the offensive glass, maybe our pressure can get us some easy opportunities in the open floor and we've got to capitalize.
I look back over my career and I almost pissed it away. I got a second chance and I've made the most of my opportunity. I play every game like it's the last game of my career.
I really do see it as the start of the second half of my career.