Self Quotes - Page 412
Wyndham Lewis (1918). “Tarr”
All the extraordinary men I have ever known were chiefly extraordinary in their own estimation.
"The papers of Woodrow Wilson".
Woodrow Wilson (1916). “Addresses of President Wilson, January 27-February 3, 1916”
Woodrow Wilson, Woodrow Wilson Foundation, Princeton University (1984). “The papers of Woodrow Wilson”
William Sloane Coffin (2008). “The Collected Sermons of William Sloane Coffin: The Riverside Years”, p.551, Westminster John Knox Press
William Shakespeare, Thomas Bowdler (1818). “The Family Shakspeare: In Ten Volumes; in which Nothing is Added to the Original Text; But Those Words and Expressions are Omitted which Cannot with Propriety be Read Aloud in a Family”, p.97
William Shakespeare (1767). “The Works of Shakespeare: in Eight Volumes”, p.41
Fear and niceness, the handmaids of all women, or more truly, woman its pretty self.
William Shakespeare (1830). “The Beauties of Shakespeare, Selected from the Most Correct Editions of His Works: With a Biographical Sketch”, p.190
'The Merchant of Venice' (1596-8) act 4, sc. 1, l. [315]
In the new economy, information, education, and motivation are everything.
Clinton, William J. (2000). “Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: William J. Clinton, 2000-2001”, p.514, Best Books on
William Hazlitt (1871). “The Round Table. A collection of Essays ... By W. H. and Leigh Hunt”, p.452
The most silent people are generally those who think most highly of themselves.
William Hazlitt (1837). “Characteristics: in the manner of Rochefoucault's Maxims [by W. Hazlitt].”, p.38
William Hazlitt (1821). “Table-talk: Or Original Essays”, p.213
William Hazlitt (2015). “Delphi Collected Works of William Hazlitt (Illustrated)”, p.175, Delphi Classics
William Hazlitt (2015). “Delphi Collected Works of William Hazlitt (Illustrated)”, p.1464, Delphi Classics