Sometimes I like to make music together with a singer or with singers.
A singer is someone who puts out an album. That's a very generous description.
What actor do you really take seriously who becomes a singer? It's kind of ridiculous. I can't think of anybody.
The word 'no' is a very good word in a singer's repertoire.
I never had the influence of any other singer in my music, so I sounded like myself all the time.
I think a lot of singer-songwriters get compared to each other, but I'd like to think that what I'm doing is special and specific to me.
I know I'm not the best. I'm not the best singer, I'm not the best songwriter, I'm not the best player.
I just don't think I'm a very good singer.
I'm a singer and a writer first. I started to rap by accident, being playful.
You know, I've always said, I've never felt I was a particularly good singer, but I've always thought I had a great knack for picking hit songs.
I had wanted to be a dancer when I was younger. But at some point I figured out I was a better singer.
The Brits was an amazing place to get a broad musical education. But I never really thought I was going to be a singer because there was always someone better than me in my class.
People have always had these weird things about how you have to be really good looking to be a singer.
The question is not... if art is enough to fulfill my life, but if I am true to the path I have set for myself, if I am the best I can be in the things I do. Am I living up to the reasons I became a singer in the first place?
From as young as I can remember, I always wanted to be a singer... My mum taught me 'Going Down the Garden to Eat Worms' for a competition when I was about 4.
Death always leaves one singer to mourn.
I wanted to be a rock star when I grew up, or at least a singer/songwriter.
I made a living being a background singer for years.
I was always a natural performer. It was easy for me. I danced and I sang, and all that stuff. I felt like I'd be something in the arts, but it vacillated between being a dancer and a singer, or whatever.
The acting was first. As a teenager I was an actress; and then I came back as a singer.
I fell in love with music at 13-years-old. I wanted to be a singer at first and a drummer. Then I fell in love with rap music.
It's sad that people listen to music and decide how the singer should look.
Everybody, even me, sometimes had to compromise on something, doing things we know to be wrong, and this happens doing whatever job in the world. But a singer must have the courage of saying no.
My mother was a singer, and I never heard her sing a note in my life.
I say I'm not a singer, so that means I can't sing. But - doesn't it?