Songwriting is too mysterious and uncontrolled a process for me to direct it towards any one thing.
I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm damn well gonna do it!
For me, in songwriting, I have a route I can take. Maybe there's some forks, I can go this way, this way. But I know those roads. I still have the experience behind me.
My songwriting is like extending a hand to the listener.
The songwriting has never really stepped forward from the '50's.
Being so honest in my writing is cathartic.
Once I went into songwriting, I figured I had to - I couldn't be a hellfire rock 'n' roller. But I could write hellfire lyrics.
You can do anything you want to do, if you know what to do.
Probably most successful songwriters have an innate songwriting ability.
I knew I could make money from songwriting, so how much and when was not really the question.
A lot of people don't listen to the lyrics, really.
Songwriting is my true passion and that's what the BMI awards are all about.
I think most of the work of songwriting is thinking of great phrases - I'm addicted, always on the hunt for a really great phrase.
The only thing I could see myself doing is music - songwriting or producing or something. I've never seen myself being in any other business, I've been working in this one since I was 5 years old! I could do other things, but I wouldn't want to.
I'm more critical of my songwriting than anybody, but I've worked really hard in the last five to 10 years to improve.
Put your faith in God and confidence in yourself.
I am really heavy into songwriting.
Great songs aren't written, they're rewritten
[Songwriting is] something that I own - it's my property, it's my music, it's my voice.
I love the pursuit of songwriting, and I've seen what songs can do in people's lives. Some of the stories that come back from songs flying around the globe are so encouraging.
You can't ask me to explain the lyrics because I won't do it.
I can't tell one from the other:I find you or you find me?There was a time before we were born If someone asks, this is where I'll be.
I don't think you can ever regain your ignorance.
I feel like songwriting is an experiment in empathy.
But there's a thin line between songwriting and arranging.