What makes me vulnerable is speaking up about topics that may be controversial to others.
It's very often the artist who gives a voice to the voiceless by speaking up when no one else will.
Speaking up for America has become a lonely ordeal.
I've learned the importance of speaking up for myself and voicing my opinions and my ideas. I'm definitely a shy person.
I had a real feeling of being fated to be an actor and do my work, and I remember so much speaking up in a room full of people who authentically knew as much or more than me, and feeling like I was absolutely equal, and what I had to say was important.
No president stays in town. They all decamp. They all leave. They go back somewhere. But Obama is gonna stay there, and there's one reason why. He's not going to sit quietly by... Let's say there's a Republican elected president. He's not gonna sit quietly by and let whatever he thinks he's accomplished be unraveled. He's gonna be speaking up often about what he disagrees with, and he knows he's gonna have the media in his back pocket.
There's something so healthy about young people speaking up in unity.
Your projects can often demonstrative new and innovative approaches that can be supported and eventually replicated with greater support from the public sector. Showing up and speaking up at city council and state legislature hearings are essential, but so is the project work.
I would tell him that shoot me but first listen to me. And I would tell him that education is my right and education is the right of your daughter and son a well. And I'm speaking up for them. I'm speaking up for peace.
For every time we regret keeping still, there are about ten times we regret speaking up.
I wouldn't call it a silver lining, but with more women speaking up, online harassment is beginning to be taken more seriously.