Spirit Quotes - Page 40

Hans Von Balthasar, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Adrienne von Speyr (2010). “To the Heart of the Mystery of Redemption”, p.39, Ignatius Press
Eckhart Tolle (2006). “A New Earth (Oprah #61): Awakening to Your Life's Purpose”, p.51, Penguin
Everything in your life is there as a vehicle for your transformation. Use it!
Ram Dass (2007). “One-Liners: A Mini-Manual for a Spiritual Life”, p.66, Harmony
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Moisés Puente (2008). “Conversations with Mies Van Der Rohe”, p.9, Princeton Architectural Press
Ernest Holmes (2012). “The Science of Mind Collection”, p.459, Penguin
Emanuel Swedenborg (1871). “Conjugial Love and Its Chaste Delights: Also, Adulterous Love and Its Sinful Pleasures”, p.310
Eckhart Tolle (2010). “The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment”, p.36, New World Library
Derek Prince (2013). “By Grace Alone: Finding Freedom and Purging Legalism from Your Life”, p.27, Baker Books
Dan Millman (2010). “Living on Purpose: Straight Answers to Universal Questions”, p.75, New World Library
Aldo Leopold (1989). “A Sand County Almanac, and Sketches Here and There”, p.6, Oxford University Press, USA