
Struggle Quotes - Page 198

Particularly with middle-class people, self-absorption is a struggle.

"Ben Lewin on The Sessions: 'You can reach women without brute force'". Interview with Catherine Shoard, January 3, 2013.

Language is also a place of struggle.

bell hooks (2014). “Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black”, p.40, Routledge

I feel sad that we have allowed these knee-jerk feminists who want to act like it's a struggle against men...but again that's the least politically developed strand of feminism.

"Challenging Capitalism and Patriarchy: An Interview with Bell Hooks". Third World Viewpoint Interview, July 15, 2013.

It is crucial for the future of the Black liberation struggle that we remain ever mindful that ours is a shared struggle, that we are each other's fate.

bell hooks, Cornel West (2016). “Breaking Bread: Insurgent Black Intellectual Life”, p.41, Routledge