You become megastars when superstars start reprising your roles.
Every era that comes along has a superstar that emerges. Once we are out of the game, there will be a superstar who will emerge that everyone will notice.
I am not an Internet superstar. I am, ironically perhaps, the most old media superstar of all time. My fame is due to broadcast television.
I am not an Internet superstar.
I don't want to become a superstar and not see my family anymore.
Things started to get out of control when I began reading that I was a superstar.
You are not truly a Warhol superstar unless you are dead.
Prison has humbled me in a lot of ways, because when you go to prison, I became 11 R 2024 you know, I wasn't Ja Rule the superstar. I wasn't any of that. I was just a regular inmate.
I do remember seeing Godspell or Jesus Christ Superstar, one of those. It was a liberation theology venue. Anything radical seemed to be accepted there. I definitely picked up the idea there that you should question authority.
I'm not the Queen. I'm not a huge superstar; I don't get paparazzi around me.
When you hear the music of these celebrated Dutch superstar-DJs nowadays... my God, I wouldn't even feed their music to my dog. I don't consider that to be my sort of dance music.
I have major respect for Kenny Chesney and Carrie Underwood and Sugarland. They are wonderful. They're superstars in the music business.
When I was five, all I wanted to be was a superstar. Not even lying to you. I didn't know what I wanted to do, but I wanted to be famous.
The press frequently sneers at the hype devoted to a superstar, but the press itself is responsible for all the hype.
It almost seems like anyone who doesn't seem political in any way is at an advantage. It's almost like anti-politics. A stage where anyone who acts - and it is an act - as if they have nothing to do with the way that daily politics works is lauded as some kind of superstar human being.
Even the superstars need to be coached once in awhile.