Teaching Quotes - Page 4
Jawaharlal Nehru (1964). “Glorious Thoughts of Nehru: Being a Treasury of Twelve Thousand Valuable and Inspiring Thoughts of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Classified Under Four Hundred Subjects”
Julio Cortazar (2016). “Hopscotch, Blow-Up, We Love Glenda So Much”, p.143, Everyman's Library
Thomas Berry, Thomas Mary Berry (1996). “Creative Energy: Bearing Witness for the Earth”, Random House (NY)
Marva Collins, Civia Tamarkin (1984). “Marva Collins Way”, Tarcher
Pat Conroy (2010). “The Prince of Tides: A Novel”, p.459, Open Road Media
Gie me ae spark o' Nature's fire, That's a' the learning I desire.
'Epistle to J. L[aprai]k' (1786) st. 13