Nobody gets muscles by watching ME lift weights.
Jocelyn Bell joined the project as a graduate student in 1965, helping as a member of the construction team and then analysing the paper charts of the sky survey.
The greatest gifts you can give your team: clarity, communication, and pulling people together around a shared mission.
That makes me think of the 2002 World Cup Final above all else. Nobody thought at the time that our team would get through to the Final against Brazil. We should remember that this summer.
But typically for a project like the Mac, the size we had was pretty good. And it has different stages. The team grows as you have to write manuals and do testing... though the Mac had no formal testing.
People respected my experience, they hire me, they pay me what I am worth to coach their team.
When it comes to fully understanding how to strategically move all the pieces on the marketing and distribution chess board on a worldwide basis, Jeff Blake is always thinking two moves ahead and that gives Sony a true competitive edge. He is the studio's secret weapon and while he would be the first to credit his fantastic sales and marketing team, there are few executives here that deserve more credit for our successes during the past several years than Jeff.
When I first turned elite in gymnastics, when I was 14, that's when I really became more inspired than ever. I just always kept that in the back of my mind, and always thought about making the 2012 team.
You can't rise as a class. You have to rise individually. It's what many of the civil rights-era people don't understand.
How the hell can I make my teammates better by practicing?!
You make other team think you going one way and you got to sell the move going that way and you've got to really make them think that you're going that way and they're going the other way. When it ends up ultimately being a perfect crossover is when you shake them so bad that they can't even get back into the play to play defense. You're already gone. That's what I think the perfect one is to where a teammate of his has to stop you from scoring.
We had a chance to see a lot of different styles of play and you had to adapt to the different style each team plays. That?s going to help us come tournament time because the game in the Pac-10 is different from the Big East and we know how to adapt to the different styles. I?m glad I had that opportunity.
Earth's immune system - its rapid response team of self-protection - becomes invigorated at times of peril. And one sees it at play now in the upwelling of grassroots work aimed at finding a sustainable future.
Being a team player should not imply a demand for simple obedience and conformity.
I'm going to tell you the story about the geese which fly 5,000 miles from Canada to France.
Like most meaningful activities, campaigns are team games.
Amid all the negativity at Newcastle, we achieved some great things. Finishing fifth in the Premier League with a great team was a fine effort and we also got to the quarterfinals of the Europa League and nearly got past a Benfica side that went to the final. They were great days, great nights at St James' Park and I remember them with affection. Maybe they are forgotten too quickly.
But then southern hemisphere teams are more skilful than their northern hemisphere counterparts, which means games can be easier to referee.
The World Cup needs a brilliant Brazilian team.
I played against the Brazilians in '82, who were definitely the best team never to have won the World Cup.
If there are dominant teams, people enjoy discussing whether that's good or bad for the game, and if there aren't any dominant teams, then people enjoy discussing that.
We hope we're better. The reality is we had a pretty darn good team last year. But you can't just throw your gloves out there and be good again. We want to take that next step as a team.
In France, everybody realized that God exists, and that he is back in the French international team. God is back, there is little left to say.
The hi-tech industry is not a monolithic thing. If you look on a timeline of a company, you see that in the beginning, you have to come up with an idea and to be willing to take risk. You have to grow fast, you have to think fast, and you have to do this usually in small teams.
I was fortunate enough to have baseball to teach me the values relative to success. The sport gifted me with leadership and team building skills that translate in a relatable way in the world.