If you have a habit of declaring milestones or changing them based on the crisis of the day, don't expect the team to remain motivated. Similarly, if the team isn't aware of the milestone and the value behind it, they are unlikely to deliver.
Motivated teams are the key to success at every startup, yet I still know entrepreneurs who gave an inspirational speech to kick off the quarter but haven't been heard from since, or don't realize that their actions are often more demotivating than inspirational.
If you dread the thought of wasted time in meetings, chances are that your team members feel the same way. Team members are also demotivated by one-way discussions, haphazard participation and arbitrary decisions. Structure every meeting at the start and summarize them at the end.
If it annoys you when team members ask about their next promotion or talk about other job opportunities in the industry, you have motivational problems in the making. You need to build a habit of proactively seeking employee interests and suggesting follow-up steps.
Some leaders expect the team to read their minds on priorities, so they never provide the written and verbal guidance that we all need to feel we are contributing. Others can be heard shouting new priorities on an hourly basis. Both habits are very demotivating.
Recognition in front of peers is the strongest motivator, and berating team members in private or public is the biggest demotivator. Check your use of rewards vs. penalties, with the negatives including emotional outbursts at no one in particular, a lack of feedback and veiled threats.
If you are a driver of a team and have a certain set of sponsors, who is the target market for those sponsors? But, of course, it is also a question of nationality.
Well understand this! If you want to join our sales team; I don't need pillion riders; I need high drivers who grasp the handle-bars.
When a team tells you we’re going to let you get your option regardless if you get it or not, that’s a message to you as to what you need to do in order to make this team or to be on this team next year.
Today, the Ravens answered: What is our identity? 'We are the same old team. We can play the same style of football.
Even a family needs to work as a team.
One woman is a pest and two women is a team, but three women or more is a coalition. If you can bring a lot of people together as a coalition, you can get a lot changed.
The team developer realizes that at times the leadership 'torch' must be passed on to others. This empowerment of others serves a dual purpose; it helps them hone their own team-building skills and it brings a fresh approach, perhaps even a special expertise, to the group's efforts.
Some of the best ideas throughout the company's evolution have been from places all throughout the company whether it's an engineer or someone on the customer support team. Just different areas around the company.
I love putting things together. I love putting together a team and making stuff with people. It's great, that's what's cool about movies it's such a collaborative effort.
I wanted a T-shirt that says 'USA National Team'. It turned out to be a very smart decision.
What makes a good editor is staying the hell out of the way as much as possible. ... If you're a DC or Marvel or Dark Horse or BOOM! editor who's assigning work, then if you did your job properly to begin with, then the people you've hired can be trusted to do what they do without excessive meddling. The ideal situation you're shooting for as an editor is to groom a collaborative creative team to the point where their work sails effortlessly through production and the most you have to do is fix the spelling and the commas.
It's not a fun process. There is no need for the team and a player to be on opposing sides a week or two before spring training. It's good to be on the same page.
I think everybody out there on the American team is out of their element. That's not an excuse. That's the way it is. It's early in the spring. A lot of guys are not as (locked-in) as they could be.
Too many people in government seem to think they are above regular folks, and I said I would expect humility in the way each member of my team served- that they would recognize that the taxpayer is boss.
If you keep your team in the game and give them a chance to win each and every start, what could be better than that? That, to me, is my main goal.
If the player has the confidence and ability, then he should sign with the pro team. Academics certainly play a large part in the decision, but if someone feels they are ready to sign, they should.
Their argument, and I think it's a correct one, is that they'll make more money from the trades and the hardcovers if nobody messes with the creative team.
To be a great game, one of the teams has to score first.
There has been times when you play in charity games where you have friends and you always entertain the idea of playing with each other and trying to team up.