Telling The Truth Quotes - Page 6

Maybe the hardest thing in writing is simply to tell the truth about things as we see them.
John Steinbeck (1990). “Journal of a Novel: The East of Eden Letters”, p.107, Penguin
Isaac Bashevis Singer, Grace Farrell (1992). “Isaac Bashevis Singer: Conversations”, p.251, Univ. Press of Mississippi
There are few reasons for telling the truth, but for lying the number is infinite.
Carlos Ruiz Zafon (2005). “The Shadow of the Wind”, p.189, Penguin
Barbara Cartland (1943). “The Isthmus Years”
You know I took an oath to tell the truth when I took the witness stand
Jones (Mother), Philip Sheldon Foner (1983). “Mother Jones speaks: collected writings and speeches”, Pathfinder Pr
"Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations" by Jehiel Keeler Hoyt, De Divinatione, II. 71, p. 485-87, 1922.
Write,' she said, 'as if you'll never be read. That way you'll be sure to tell the truth.
Lori Lansens (2009). “The Girls”, p.14, Vintage Canada