
Temptation Quotes - Page 22

None are known to be good, till they have opportunity to be bad.

None are known to be good, till they have opportunity to be bad.

Benjamin Whichcote, Anthony Tuckney (1753). “Moral and religious aphorisms [collected by J. Jeffery from the papers of B. Whichcote]. Now re-publ., with additions, by S. Salter. To which are added, Eight letters: which passed between dr. Whichcote, and dr. Tuckney”, p.84

Where there are no distinctions there can be no superiority; perfect equality affords no temptation.

Thomas Paine, Bruce Kuklick (2000). “Paine: Political Writings”, p.26, Cambridge University Press

Great success is a great temptation.

Theodore Parker (1864). “Miscellaneous Discourses”, p.130

Who made the heart, 'tis He alone Decidedly can try us

Robert Burns, Adolphus Wagner (1835). “The Works ; With Selected Notes ; A Biographical and Critical Introducion, and a Comparative Etymological Glossary to the Poet ; Complete in One Volume”, p.55