
Thinking Quotes - Page 673

I think One Direction are the biggest band in the world, their songs are great.

Interview for BBC Radio 1's with Zane Lowe, April 28, 2014.

Do you guys think its worse to wear a fedora or kill 15 people?

"Chelsea Peretti says no to fedoras in Netflix comedy special trailer" by Ariana Bacle, October 27, 2014.

To some extent, stocks are like Rembrandts. They sell based on what they've sold in the past. Bonds are much more rational. No-one thinks a bond's value will soar to the moon.

Charlie Munger's comments on stocks and Rembrandts at the 2001 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting, April 28, 2001.

The efficient man is the man who thinks for himself.

Charles William Eliot (1909). “Education for Efficiency, and The New Definition of the Cultivated Man”