You all looked so happy together in the photograph. You looked like the perfect family. Is there such a thing anymore because if there is, my happy little unit was definitely not in the queue when they were handing out the titles.
I'm terrible at making titles. I never like the titles of my films.
Promoters compete for fighters, fighters compete for titles.
I am a rapper. The reason why I was against the whole rapper title is because I know so many people who want to be rappers and they're not.
We were going to call it "Star Trek: The Avengers", and for a while we were like, "People are going to love that title". No, we had a whole bunch of titles, we never had any official title until we came out with this, we had different conversations about other things.
I am a collector of many things, but I particularly love the sterling silver mint julep cups, each engraved with the titles of the Broadway shows in which I appeared.
When I've finally got the title, I think, "Okay, yes, now I know where we are. Now I know what it is. Fine, that must be finished or nearly finished.
I feel that when you are a world champion, your title has to be taken away from you.
I love the Japanese director Shohei Imamura. His masterpiece in 1979 called, the English title was 'Vengeance is Mine'.
I was overjoyed when I was offered the title role in 'Well Done Abba.' I was ready for the role even before I heard the story because you don't ask questions when it is Shyam Benegal's film. It is the chance of a lifetime.
Like a boxer in a title fight, you have to walk in that ring alone.
The Commonwealth is one of three belts I want to win before going for a world title.
The title of a song is like the wrapping on a present.
I'm a New Testament Christian. I reject and throw out titles.
Poverty, Poetry, and new Titles of Honor, make Men ridiculous
I wasn't born into land or titles, or new money, or an oil rig.
This is the age othe common man, they tell us-a title which any man may claim to the extent osuch distinction as he has managed not to achieve.
Doctors are not servants of their patients, they are traders like everyone else in a free society and they should bear that title proudly considering the crucial importance of the services they offer.
I chose the title Dogwalker because that describes me pretty well. I spend a lot of time walking around with my dogs. I'd say the narrator is me in an alternate universe.
Seven is a lucky number, so I plan to do a lot of lucky things with my seventh place title.
It is necessary a writing critic should understand how to write. And though every writer is not bound to show himself in the capacity of critic, every writing critic is bound to show himself capable of being a writer; for if he be apparently impotent in this latter kind, he is to be denied all title or character in the other.
I really moved through my career based on curiosity about something. I never looked at a title and said, 'I want that.'
I never looked at a title and said, I want that.
Because I love narrative but am more lyrically inclined, I've learned that if I freight titles with narrative information (the who, what, when, where, why of the poem), I can get to my main interest, which is the language, and where it wants to take me. If I can establish the poem's occasion in the title, then so much the better for my freedom to associate.
Start with the titles, and then build the music that goes with them.