I knew that I wanted to be a film actress and I never watched TV. I was always too busy.
I came from a generation of actors for whom TV was taboo.
You get a kind of familiarity on a set when you're on a TV show.
I'm not a huge TV person, but when I do watch, it's always after the fact because I like to binge watch.
Youth is life as yet unblemished by much tragedy, but hardly by TV.
[Exorcist ] is given all of us a great opportunity to show something new on network TV, in terms of the quality of it. It feels much bigger than a network show.
TV is all new to me because I came from features.
Now, as a comic, if you're vaguely amusing you can go straight into TV, then you play the O2 and then everyone's sick of you.
I love all reality TV - Strictly, 'The X Factor.' I really don't see why people are so snobby about it.
Modern reality TV sets up these competitive situations to show us real human nature.
Im a career actor. And I question this constant reliance on TV fame and celebrity.
The closer you get to what's happening in TV now and the ways it's evolving, the more danger you get into.
It's become almost a cliche at this point that movies in the general sense are the place you go for superheroes and explosions and TV is where you go for actual storytelling.
I don't really watch anything on TV. It's not really a priority for me.
I turn on the TV sometimes, start watching something and think: 'This seems quite good, a bit familiar.' Then I realise … It's one of my movies. It's a pretty odd feeling.
My wife says I'm much happier when I'm not a regular on a TV show.
I am a little suspicious of industry paradigms. I feel like so many movies and TV shows feel so familiar because of over-reliance on these paradigms.
Sometimes you see auteur TV shows and movies, and those are great.
TV always wants more people to be watching.
There's certainly more work for me in TV these days.
It feels good to turn on the TV and have options, a variety. That's why television is so good.
People ultimately get what they deserve on TV. What people end up watching is what the advertising end up glomming onto and promoting.
I don't have cable. I just never watched a lot of TV.
I never really said I wanted to be a TV star, when I was a kid.