I get tweets every single day going, like, 'I'm so glad you weren't on 'The X Factor.''
No one cares what you ate for breakfast. Unless it's something really spectacular, don't tweet me your breakfast, I don't care.
A man who can be provoked by a tweet should not have his fingers anywhere near the nuclear codes.
I probably tweet every other day, which I know isn't half as much as some people.
I read Twitter all the time, even though I rarely tweet.
I was saying on the air: "Victorino used the Twitter and he sent a twit to tell the fans he was coming." Well, the city went hysterical. The sky nearly fell down from laughter. I always thought that if you are going to use Twitter, it's going to be a twit. Why would it be a tweet?
Corporate tweets are like one robot talking to another.
My office is on Twitter. I don't tweet myself - at least, not intentionally, but I probably should do.
I like Twitter more than Facebook. Twitter is a great way to deliver and get news. In news writing less is more and 140 characters is great. If you can't grab that headline in 140 characters than it's not a story. Viewers tweet all the time and they tell what stories they like and don't like. It's great to interact with them and get that instant feedback. It's great for the viewer and the journalist.
Is it worth getting one more tweet out, or putting your phone down and doing something that is worth tweeting?
I don't think that Donald Trump's gonna look at his approval numbers and say, "Wow, the American people don't want what I want to do. I better change." I don't think he's gonna change his agenda. To have put up with all of this to date already says a mouthful. It already explains a lot to have put up with this, to have not lost his cool. And, by the way, on all of these tweets and all these allegations, all these predications, he ends up being right.
I think there needs to be a much more significant filter on those Donald Trump tweets. It's OK to have some unspoken and untweeted thoughts.
Tweet, tweet, you're alive, you ignorant asshole.
Ironically, I originally wrote the tweet with Jews and thought, That might give offense. And so I thought I better change it.
Your tweet is as important as if you would have written a Ph.D. [dissertation] on the subject.
I do secret stand-up shows around New York. I announce and tweet this to nobody - I get onstage and I do a quick five minutes.
I tweet myself and do all the Facebook updates. It started off with me wondering whether I was showing off and I was very careful about what I wrote.
I tweet when the tweet arrives. Never force a tweet or you will hurt your babymaker - and this is true of literature as well.
Although I have no plans to tweet, I am fascinated by developments on the Internet.
I often tweet things that I would feel too horrified/embarrassed/ashamed to say to a friend or loved one, even though most of my friends and loved ones read my Twitter account.
I really like when people do 'stream of consciousness' tweeting, or when people's tweets come across as sort of manic and mostly unedited.
Essentially, retweets are like laughs.
I love Twitter. My favorite thing to do these days is to Tweet things that seem very questionable as to whether I’m joking or not.
The FBI doesn't sit around all day and read tweets. The FBI's going to do their job. Robert Mueller's going to do his job.
My biggest goal was - I thought, God, if I could just be a rep company member at the Arena Stage in Washington, D. C. and get to play a bunch of parts in a year! And now in my work everything is about promoting it. It's not about the doing of it! Everything is: You have to sell it, and they ask you to tweet about it or do photo shoots, even for the smallest job. There's an imbalance in terms of what is actually gratifying. The stuff that is gratifying is, like I said, the day of work and the doing of it.