Donald Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country`s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.
This is the United States of America that I'm representing. I'm not representing the globe.
You know, they say I'm close to Russia. Hillary Clinton gave away 20 percent of the uranium in the United States. She's close to Russia.
Barack Obama was born in the United States, period.
Let me tell you, if Hillary Clinton's president of the United States, nothing's going to happen. It's just going to be talk.
Hillary Clinton has pledged to keep both of these illegal amnesty programs, including the 2014 amnesty which has been blocked by the United States Supreme Court. Great.
Americans will finally wake up in a country where the laws of the United States are enforced!
Workers in the United States are making less than they were almost 20 years ago, and yet they are working harder.But so am I working harder, that I can tell you.
The United States, as all you know, did not come to Iraq for oil, not to occupy. We came here only to help.
The United States isn't going to do anything that it's not capable of doing. And if we do something, we'll be capable of doing it.
Not true at all. Vaseline is manufactured right here in the United States.
I still happen to think the United States is the greatest place in the world to invest.
I grew up in the United States.
Any blaming that Russia could have been interfering in domestic affairs of the United States is slander. And it has no evidence at all.
Frankly, we doubt the veracity and seriousness of the United States in regard to achieving results that would be acceptable to both sides in Geneva.
Under unitary executive theory, the [George W.]Bush administration has claimed the right to seize American citizens in the United States and imprison them indefinitely without a charge.
Let us rid ourselves of the fiction that low oil prices are somehow good for the United States.
As a former secretary of defense, I think Donald Rumsfeld is the best secretary of defense the United States has ever had.
[Saddam Hussein is aggressively seeking nuclear and biological weapons and ] the United States may well become the target.
The United States needs to be not so much loved as it needs to be respected. Sometimes, that requires us to take actions that generate controversy. I'm not at all sure that that's what the Obama administration believes.
The idea that the United States government would have to figure out what to do about the headscarf is simply ludicrous. We don't get involved in that.
All the United States, it is a society that is split like to the bottom, that had very poor people in the country that is one of the wealthiest countries.
Hillary Clinton is unworthy of being the President of the United States; she has done nothing important that is good
If the United States doesn't lead then evil triumphs
The United States is the single greatest force for good in the world