Virtue Quotes - Page 33
Virtue makes us aim at the right end, and practical wisdom makes us take the right means.
It is the repeated performance of just and temperate actions that produces virtue.
Virtue, once bragged about, once you pride yourself upon it, ceases to be such.
True greatness is sovereign wisdom. We are never deceived by our virtues.
Poets heap virtues, painters gems, at will, And show their zeal, and hide their want of skill.
For in the fatness of these pursy times Virtue itself of vice must pardon beg.
I have seen men incapable of the sciences, but never any incapable of virtue.
Even virtue is fairer when it appears in a beautiful person.
The vices we scoff at in others laugh at us within ourselves.
The simultaneous existence of opposite virtues in the soul like pincers to catch hold of God.