
Wealth Quotes - Page 26

Every man who is worth thirty millions and is not wedded to them, is dangerous to the government.

Every man who is worth thirty millions and is not wedded to them, is dangerous to the government.

Napoleon Bonaparte “Napoleon in his own words from the French of Jules Bertaut”, Рипол Классик

The foolish sayings of the rich pass for wise saws in society.

"Don Quixote de la Mancha". Book by Miguel de Cervantes, Part II, 1615.

Well-gotten wealth may lose itself, but the ill-gotten loses its master also.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1877). “Spanish Salt: A Collection of All the Proverbs which are to be Found in Don Quixote”, p.12

There is a limit to enjoyment, though the sources of wealth be boundlessAnd the choicest pleasures of life lie within the ring of moderation.

Martin Farquhar Tupper (1857). “Complete poetical works: containing: Proverbial philosophy, A thousand lines, Hactenus, Geraldine, and miscellaneous poems. With a portrait of the author”, p.20

How little a thing can make us happy when we feel that we have earned it.

Mark Twain, Howard G. Baetzhold, Joseph B. Mccullough (1996). “The Bible According to Mark Twain”, p.24, Simon and Schuster

In capitalist enterprise there is no secure income and no security of wealth.

Ludwig von Mises (2016). “Socialism - An Economic and Sociological Analysis: The Economist”, p.342, VM eBooks

The wealth of the well-to-do of an industrial society is both the cause and effect of the masses' well-being.

Ludwig Von Mises (1962). “The Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science: An Essay on Method”

Wisdom ruleth in counsel -- so do riches.

Lancelot Andrewes (1843). “Works: Ninety-six sermons”, p.10

He who wishes to become rich wishes to become so immediately.

"Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations" by Jehiel Keeler Hoyt, p. 864-67, Satires, XIV, line 176, 1922.

Common sense among men of fortune is rare.

"Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations" by Jehiel Keeler Hoyt, p. 864-67, Satires, VIII, line 73, 1922.