Any conception of human well-being you could plausibly have, the Taliban patently fails to maximize it.
Free enterprise is the sure and so far the only known way of constantly improving the well-being of mankind.
Happiness is the cessation of suffering. Well-being.
By being vulnerable, either with yourself or in the presence of another person, that’s where all growth and ultimate well-being comes from.
God wants believers to take an interest in the well-being of the society in which they live.
Humor and joy contribute to my total well-being.
Well-being is how I feel in my skin, not about how other people are looking at me and what they see... its what I feel like.
There's tons of people that spend a lot time watching their well being, they have not acquired time to take pleasure in it.
We have learned that peace and well-being are indivisible and that our peace and well-being cannot be purchased at the price of peace or the well-being of any other country.
I never get far from Well Being.
Well Being is my birthright.
When we promote the well-being of others God has placed in our lives our service glorifies God.
Time And well being are two valuable belongings that we do not acknowledge and respect till they've been depleted.
It is only because you take your mind to be yourself, and make it dwell on what you are not, that you lose your sense of well-being.
Compassion is concern of others' well being.
This is my job, my livelihood: the health and the well-being of the publishing industry. We're all responsible for this.
What, after all, was the point of civilisation if not the well-being of citizens?
Service dogs raise their masters' sense of well-being.