White Quotes - Page 76

White people who are doing this work need to make their stories known to serve as guides for others.
Beverly Daniel Tatum (1997). “"Why are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?" and Other Conversations about Race”, Basic Books
bell hooks (2014). “Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black”, p.63, Routledge
"Yours in Struggle: Three Feminist Perspectives on Anti-Semitism and Racism".
Barack Obama (2007). “Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance”, p.414, Broadway Books
Anne Sexton (1964). “Selected poems”
Andrew Marvell (1997). “"To His Coy Mistress" and Other Poems”, p.24, Courier Corporation
Speech given on May 3, 1946 at Lincoln University, where he was receiving an honorary degree; as reported in "Baltimore Afro-American", May 11, 1946.
At one side of the palette there is white, at the other black; and neither is ever used neat.
Winston Churchill (1965). “A Man of Destiny: Winston S. Churchill”