A. J. Muste Quotes
"The Essays of A. J. Muste (Pacifism and Class War)". Book edited by Nat Hentoff, 1967.
A. J. Muste's statement of 1941, as quoted in Howard Zinn "A People's History" (p. 416), 1980, and later quoted in Howard Zinn "The Twentieth Century: A People's History" (p. 159), May 9, 1984.
"Our Generation Against Nuclear War". Book by Dimitrios I. Roussopoulos, 1983.
In a world built on violence, one must be a revolutionary before one can be a pacifist.
"American Power and the New Mandarins". Book by Noam Chomsky, 1969.
"American Power and the New Mandarins". Book by Noam Chomsky, 1969.
War is not an accident. It is the logical outcome of a certain way of life.
"Our Generation Against Nuclear War". Book by Dimitrios I. Roussopoulos, 1983.