India can live without nuclear weapons. That's our dream, and it should be the dream of the U.S. also.
Let not thy winged days be spent in vain. Whenonce gone no gold can buy them back again.
The Bay of Bengal is hit frequently by cyclones. The months of November and May, in particular, are dangerous in this regard.
When grand plans for scientific and defence technologies are made, do the people in power think about the sacrifices the people in the laboratories and fields have to make?
India should walk on her own shadow - we must have our own development model.
Measuring nuclear yield depends on multiple parameters - the location and number of instruments, the geology of the area, the location of the seismic station in relation to the test site.
We should remember that there are nations which meet more than 30 to 60% of their power requirements through the nuclear power system.
The world has today 546 nuclear plants generating electricity. Their experience is being continuously researched, and feedback should be provided to all. Nuclear scientists have to interact with the people of the nation, and academic institutions continuously update nuclear power generation technology and safety.
We have not invaded anyone. We have not conquered anyone. We have not grabbed their land, their culture, their history and tried to enforce our way of life on them.
My worthiness is all my doubt His Merit- all my fear- Contrasting which my quality Does however appear
Developing nations want to become developed nations.
Convergence of our views on global trade issues under the WTO and our common resolve to combat terrorism provide a valuable base for mutual understanding.
The President's post should not be politicised. Once a president is elected, he is above politics.
All wars signify the failure of conflict resolution mechanisms, and they need post-war rebuilding of faith, trust and confidence.
Every nation has to follow a certain policy: Commercial, trade, various other types of policies.
Today, India is a nuclear weapons state.
We need to create brand institutions. In the fortune 500 companies, 5 Indian companies are named while 15 are from China though we have similar kind of populations.