Use pain as a stepping stone, not a camp ground.
If you desire to know where your spiritual work lies, look to your emotional pain.
One moment of true forgiveness can erase years of guilt, pain, or fear.
When you protect yourself from pain, be sure you do not protect yourself from love.
It is not insult from another that causes you pain. It is the part of your mind that agrees with the insult. Agree only with the truth about you, and you are free.
Pain happens, but suffering is optional. When pain comes, make use of the experience, but do not wallow in it. When you accidentally place your finger in a flame, it is supposed to hurt just long enough for you to pull it out. If you think there is value in keeping it there, you will be a crispy critter. Pain is a minor element of life, unless you are indulging it. Then it becomes suffering. Get the message and then get on with your life, which is far more about joy than sorrow.