There is nothing in art, in philosophy, or in politics to match the fervor of mutual cooperation among discordant bands of fanatics.
Advances have fallen, generally, for everything except the biggest potential bestsellers. Given all the changes, both economic and technological, SF hasn't done too badly.
I hear entire symphonies, oratorios, in my head, but I can't write a note.
Where lies the line between sorcery and science? It is only a matter of terminology, my friend.
Besides the mistakes that are pointed out, I love the way readers become involved with the characters. When readers start asking about character motivations instead of concentrating on the special effects, it means you're connecting with them on a personal level.
How much research I have to do depends on the nature of the story. For fantasy, none at all.
In one book, CACHALOT, just for my own amusement, every character is based directly on someone I have known.
An apex is always surrounded only by emptiness