Alexander Pope Quotes about Religion

Religion blushing, veils her sacred fires, And unawares Morality expires.
'The Dunciad' (1742) bk. 4, l. 649
'Epistles to Several Persons' 'To Lord Burlington' (1731) l. 57
Alexander Pope, William Roscoe (1847). “The works of Alexander Pope, esq., with notes and illustrations, by himself and others. To which are added, a new life of the author, an Estimate of his poetical character and writings, and occasional remarks by William Roscoe, esq”, p.331
A God without dominion, providence, and final causes, is nothing else but fate and nature.
Alexander Pope (1999). “The Dunciad: In Four Books”, Longman Publishing Group
Alexander Pope, Alexander Chalmers (1807). “A Supplementary Volume to the Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: Containing Pieces of Poetry, Not Inserted in Warburton's and Warton's Editions : and a Collection of Letters, Now First Published”, p.128