
Alfredo Jaar Quotes

Journalistic information and presentation actually discourage action... we think we know, and because we think we know, we think we care. But it stops there.

Alfredo Jaar, Willie Avon Drake, Anderson Gallery, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (1991). “Alfredo Jaar: geography”, Virginia Commonwealth Univ

Images have an advanced religion; they bury history.

Alfredo Jaar, Centre d'Art Santa Mònica (Barcelona, Spain), Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea (San Sebastián, Spain) (1998). “Let there be light: the Rwanda Project 1994-1998”, Distributed Art Pub Inc

I remember her eyes. The eyes of Gutete Emerita.

Alfredo Jaar, Centre d'Art Santa Mònica (Barcelona, Spain), Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea (San Sebastián, Spain) (1998). “Let there be light: the Rwanda Project 1994-1998”, Distributed Art Pub Inc