Abortion and racism are both symptoms of a fundamental human error. The error is thinking that when someone stands in the way of our wants, we can justify getting that person out of our lives. Abortion and racism stem from the same poisonous root, selfishness.
Racism springs from the lie that certain human beings are less than fully human. It's a self-centered falsehood that corrupts our minds into believing we are right to treat others as we would not want to be treated.
Racism oppresses its victims, but also binds the oppressors, who sear their consciences with more and more lies until they become prisoners of those lies. They cannot face the truth of human equality because it reveals the horror of the injustices they commit.
Abortion and racism are evil twins, born of the same lie. Where racism now hides its face in public, abortion is accomplishing the goals of which racism only once dreamed. Together, abortionists are destroying humanity at large and the black community in particular.
We should recognize that women become mothers the moment they are pregnant.
I have a dream that America will pray and God will forgive us our sins.
A majority, perhaps as many as 75 percent, of abortion clinics are in areas with high minority populations. Abortion apologists will say this is because they want to serve the poor. You don't serve the poor, however, by taking their money to terminate their children.
Coming forth, you've got to love each other and you have to have faith. And you never lose hope. Even when things are really, really, really bad - there's always hope.
Every baby saved, every mother helped to choose life is a step in the right direction.
There are parallels between the 1960s and now, because during the 1960s, people were being slaughtered, their lives were being taken, there was violence, greed, drugs were rising - just all of this. And my uncle was saying, you've got to come back to faith, hope and love. Now, you get the translation and say faith, hope and charity - faith, hope and love.
Abortion is an attack on the family and the humanity that unites us all.
When we see others victimized we must speak out. We have to seek justice for everybody.
Justice means that we want life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all people.
When you see the political parties squabble, if a baby is not allowed to be born, all the other issues do not come into play.
Walk and talk in manner of love or charity, for God is love.
Observe with both friend and foe the ordinary rules of courtesy.
If you see your brother about to be harmed and somebody is doing something, you must speak out. It takes courage to do that. Then you have to come out of yourself to do that.
Refrain from the violence of fist, tongue or heart. And heart is real important.
If people are being downtrodden and mistreated, it's our obligation, it's our responsibility to speak out, not just for ourselves but for others.
Abortion and racism are both symptoms of a fundamental human error.
If we have an honest discussion on whether the war on poverty should be fought with welfare or with economic growth in the private sector, Democrats will lose black votes.
In the 21st Century, the anti-traditional marriage community is in league with the anti-life community, and together with the NAACP and other sympathizers, they are seeking a world where homosexual marriage and abortion will supposedly set the captives free.
You know, people really want to hear about the issues.
I simply cannot vote for Senator Obama because he's not pro-life.
The non-violent movement seeks justice and reconciliation, not victory - or not just victory.