
Anthony de Mello Quotes - Page 7

People kill for money or for power. But the most ruthless murderers are those who kill for their ideas.

People kill for money or for power. But the most ruthless murderers are those who kill for their ideas.

"Awareness : The Perils and Oppurtunities of Reality". Book by Anthony de Mello (p. 7), 1992.

If I haven't received any grace today, then I was not at home. This is because God is sending deliveries constantly.

Anthony De Mello (2010). “Seek God Everywhere: Reflections on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius”, p.45, Image

Take the leap! You cannot cross a chasm in little jumps.

Anthony De Mello (2012). “One Minute Wisdom”, p.36, Image

The devil has a Ph.D. in perfect logic.

Anthony De Mello (2010). “Seek God Everywhere: Reflections on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius”, p.107, Image

Problems exist only in the human mind.

Anthony De Mello (2011). “Awareness: Conversations with the Masters”, p.80, Image