When you are around people who have money, you realise money isn't that impressive, it's about your class, morals and how you conduct yourself.
If you know me, you know I make every day count, I'm serious about my life.
I've been lucky that I've been around good people, who kept me grounded and taught me.
People pay to see blood, they pay to see war and that's why people are supporting my journey because I deliver every time I step in the ring.
Before the bell you fellow your family's name. Carrying the belt doesn't change me as a person. But I want to represent myself well. Some people want to show off their belt - but I'm not into that nonsense. I am who I am with or without the belt.
I focus on myself, that's how I beat Wladimir Klitschko.
This is the step up people have wanted. [Wladimir] Klitschko wants his belts back, may the best man win.
I thought, I can't wait to get on the podium squad. I was in my hotel and they were in the Premier Inn living the high life!
Oliver [McCall] has meant so much to my career and showed that in the heavyweight division, anything is possible.
I used to stay at my hotel... I remember looking out of the window once and I saw (GB boxers) Tom Stalker and Kal Yafai skipping out of the Premier Inn and they jumped into a Range Rover to go to training.