The moot question is not that how many persons are of good or not so good character, but who applauds the character truly as the real beauty factor in own and others' lives.
If need is the mother of all inventions, then curiosity is its genetic father undoubtedly.
Feeling and thinking are directly proportional to each other and inseparable.
Memories don’t fade, it is just we who start overlooking the things once done or said.
A gentleman is one who doesn't and can't forgive himself for self-committed mistake even if others forget it and the self-criticism is a mark of his right attitude towards life.
Selfishness is the biggest form of helplessness as it makes the person blind so much that he fails to search his true self for being always in the lurch.
A person who is in the elements of his own is often thrown to a situation to be shown all alone; and people who aren’t may be in a position seen by all, but they are often unknown to be utterly lone.
Real people conceive originality then think, write but never read of others' posts to copy to follow and the copycats follow exactly the opposite direction i.e. read of others' posts, write but never think and conceive originality.
First person to appreciate the good points of others is always special in life as he or she manifests his or her leadership through initiatives.
Sometimes, something of someone is liked too much not because it holds too much value or has a true value, but because there are too many bidders and buyers to have the same thing at the resale value.
If it's advisable to never share own problems with others as sages say that majority don't care, then it's more sensible to never brag of own achievements as their attitude is likely to remain the same.
To understand something properly, we need to know it a little more; but to know someone purely, we need to understand our inner feelings truly and for sure.
A person only likes his friend to the degree he or she relates and connects to his character.
Vision is seeing visibly the light of hope within the range of the eyesight.
The quality of a person’s life is the sum total of the character, good or not so good, of the people whom he has inspired and motivated, directly and indirectly, with his living standard and lifestyle.
People may like a person’s thought for its touching words, but they like him truly for his own deeds touching their heart.
A person can perhaps trust his eyes only to the amount of truth his heart does not mind to speak openly to the people to touch their souls in this selfish world full of lies.
A person creating a space in his life for something that he doesn’t deserve at all gets readily someone whom he doesn’t desire in all.
A person can always live life of his own only if he is prepared to stand alone when there is none to support the things that he applauds, believes and cherishes in his soul.
The worth of a person’s thought is measured not by the quantity but by the quality of the support that it has got and this quality is defined by a single factor, which is only people’s human character.
A negative and toxic person never feels teased with the genuine presence of the pretenders in his network and he always feels pleased with the absence of the genuine leader in his circle.
Anything that starts as a practice often turns into the habit and so can be the case with a person's nature of forgiving himself on his mistakes a few number of times.
Never treat somebody’s cleverness as his life’s smartness. Cleverness is to hide the weakness and the smartness is to project the strength of his weakness.
A person who is true to himself likes and loves others for what they are and not what they have.
The difference between DREAM and DESIRE is that the dream is what we build for the team and the desire is what we aspire to build for ourselves.