Aristotle Quotes about Life - Page 2

Aristotle, (2014). “Complete Works of Aristotle, Volume 2: The Revised Oxford Translation”, p.1860, Princeton University Press
"'Lettre d'Aristote à Alexandre sur la politique envers les cités' ('The Letter of Aristotle to Alexander on the Policy toward the Cities')". Arabic text translated and edited by Józef Bielawski and Marian Plezia, p. 72, 1970.
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle (1967). “Wit and Wisdom of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle: Being a Treasury of Thousands of Glorious, Inspiring and Imperishable Thoughts, Views and Observations of the Three Great Greek Philosophers, Classified Under about Four Hundred Subjects for Comparative Study”
"Nicomachean Ethics". Book by Aristotle. Book I, 1094a.18,
Men cling to life even at the cost of enduring great misfortune.
Aristotle (2016). “Politics”, p.89, Aristotle
Aristotle (1953). “Ethics: The Nicomachean Ethics”