Arthur Koestler Quotes - Page 3

Arthur Koestler (2011). “Dialogue with Death: The Journal of a Prisoner of the Fascists in the Spanish Civil War”, p.12, University of Chicago Press
One may not regard the world as a sort of metaphysical brothel for emotions.
'Darkness at Noon' (1940) 'The Second Hearing' ch. 7
Arthur Koestler (1952). “Arrow in the blue: an autobiography”
Arthur Koestler (1976). “The thirteenth tribe: the Khazar empire and its heritage”, Random House Inc
God seems to have left the receiver off the hook and time is running out.
'The Ghost in the Machine' (1967) ch. 18
History had a slow pulse; man counted in years, history in generations
Arthur Koestler (2015). “Darkness at Noon”, p.265, Simon and Schuster
The prerequisite of originality is the art of forgetting, at the proper moment, what we know.
Arthur Koestler (1969). “The Act of Creation”
Andre Gide, Richard Wright, Ignasio Silone, Stephen Spender, Arthur Koestler, Louis Fischer (1965). “the god that failed”
Arthur Koestler, Harold Harris (1975). “Astride the two cultures: Arthur Koestler at 70”, Not Avail
Arthur Koestler (1970). “The trail of the dinosaur: and Reflections on hanging”, Random House (UK)
Arthur Koestler (1955). “Darkness at noon”
"The Sleepwalkeers: A History of Man's Changing Vision of the Universe". Book by Arthur Koestler, 1959.
Arthur Koestler (1973). “The lion and the ostrich: the eighth annual lecture under the "Thank-offering to Britain Fund."”, Not Avail
"Kaleidoscope: Essays from "Drinkers of Infinity" and the "Heel of Achilles" and Later Pieces and Stories".
"The Sleepwalkers: A History of Man's Changing Vision of the Universe". Book by Arthur Koestler, 1959.