Two Sides Quotes
I simply cannot accept that there are on every story two equal and logical sides to an argument.
"Fictional character: Edward R. Murrow". "Good Night, and Good Luck", 2005.
Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either.
Aesop, Thomas James (1866). “Æsop's Fables: A New Version, Chiefly from Original Sources”, p.28
Ida P. Rolf (1989). “Rolfing: Reestablishing the Natural Alignment and Structural Integration of the Human Body for Vitality and Well-Being”, p.12, Simon and Schuster
Smith Wigglesworth (2013). “Faith That Prevails”, p.29, Simon and Schuster
Ayn Rand (1988). “The Ayn Rand Lexicon: Objectivism from A to Z”, p.102, Penguin