Bernard Tschumi Quotes

Architecture is not so much a knowledge of form, but a form of knowledge.
Bernard Tschumi (2012). “Architecture Concepts: Red is Not a Color”, Rizzoli International Publications
Bernard Tschumi (1996). “Architecture and Disjunction”, p.122, MIT Press
To really appreciate architecture, you may even need to commit a murder.
Bernard Tschumi, Todd Gannon, Laurie A. Gunzelman (2003). “Bernard Tschumi/Zenith de Rouen: Source Books in Architecture”, p.18, Princeton Architectural Press
Bernard Tschumi (1996). “Architecture and Disjunction”, p.247, MIT Press
Society secretly delights in crime, excesses, and violated prohibitions of all sorts.
Bernard Tschumi (1996). “Architecture and Disjunction”, p.66, MIT Press