
Beyonce Knowles Quotes - Page 5

When you're famous, no one looks at you as a human anymore. You become the property of the public.

When you're famous, no one looks at you as a human anymore. You become the property of the public.

"Watch Beyonce's Short Film About Feminism, Fame and Family" by Lorena O'Neil, December 12, 2014.

I always treat myself to one meal on Sundays when I can have whatever I want. Usually it's pizza, which is my favorite indulgence.

"Beyonce Knowles Opens Up About Actual Diet" by Christine Thomasos, March 20, 2013.

My parents taught my sister and me the importance of giving back and making a difference in another person's life.

"Exclusive: Beyoncé Discusses New H&M Campaign". Interview with Lisa Dougan, April 15, 2013.

We are all the same and we all want the same things: the right to be happy, to be just who we want to be and to love who we want to love.

"Beyonce's Out Cover Story: 10 Quotes That Give Us Life" by John Walker, April 08, 2014.

Tina Turner is someone that I admire, because she made her strength feminine and sexy.

"The Beyoncé Experience". Cosmopolitan Interview, November 13, 2007.

One of the reasons I connect to the Super Bowl is that I approach my shows like an athlete.

"Miss Millennium: Beyoncé" by Amy Wallace, January 10, 2013.