
Bharati Mukherjee Quotes

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What was the duty of the teacher if not to inspire?

What was the duty of the teacher if not to inspire?

Bharati Mukherjee (2007). “The Middleman and Other Stories”, p.194, Grove/Atlantic, Inc.

What was the function of poetry if not to improve the petty, cautious minds of evasive children?

Bharati Mukherjee (2007). “The Middleman and Other Stories”, p.194, Grove/Atlantic, Inc.

Dullness is a kind of luxury.

Bharati Mukherjee (2007). “Jasmine”, p.10, Grove/Atlantic, Inc.

A farmer is dependent on too many things outside his control; it makes for modesty.

Bharati Mukherjee (2007). “Jasmine”, p.12, Grove/Atlantic, Inc.